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Sanjeevani Path Labs

+91- 9717 311 099, 9868 358 187, 011-45794850 +91- 9717 311 099, 9868 358 187, 011-45794850



Pre test Information : No Special Preparation Needed

The Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a herpes virus. Chickenpox and mononucleosis are examples of herpes viruses (mono). Infections with CMV are extremely common. Over half of adults in the United States have been exposed to CMV at some point in their lives, most often during childhood or early adulthood. The virus remains in the body for the rest of your life after the initial infection. The virus is mostly dormant most of the time (inactive). However, in certain circumstances, such as stress or an immune system problem, it can become active again (reactivated). 

CMV infections in healthy people usually result in mild flu-like symptoms or no symptoms at all. The majority of CMV patients are unaware of their condition. CMV, on the other hand, can be dangerous to people who have weakened immune systems as a result of illnesses such as HIV or cancer. It can also cause serious health issues in infants. A pregnant woman who is infected with CMV can pass the virus to her unborn child. In babies who are infected before birth, CMV can cause deafness, vision problems, intellectual disabilities, and other serious disorders. 

CMV tests look for the virus in blood, sputum, or other bodily fluids. CMV testing can assist those at risk of complications in receiving the necessary treatment. While there is currently no cure for CMV, antiviral medications and other treatments may alleviate symptoms and improve outcomes. 

CMV IgG and IgM antibodies, cytomegalovirus antibody 

What do they serve?

CMV tests are used to aid in the diagnosis of a current, reactivated, or previous CMV infection in people who are at risk of health complications. Groups at risk include: 

  • People who have weakened immune systems as a result of infections or diseases
  • Individuals who have recently undergone an organ transplant
  • Women who are pregnant and have CMV symptoms
  • Infection symptoms in newborns

Why do I require a CMV test?

If you have a weakened immune system or are pregnant and have the following symptoms, you should be tested: 

  • Lymph nodes swollen
  • Fever with a sore throat
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache

If your baby exhibits any of the following symptoms, he or she may require this test: 

  • Jaundice is a condition in which the skin and eyes turn yellow.
  • Birth weight is too light
  • small head
  • Hearing and/or vision issues
  • Seizures

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