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+91- 9717 311 099, 9868 358 187, 011-45794850 +91- 9717 311 099, 9868 358 187, 011-45794850

HEV Antibody

HEV Antibody

Pre test Information : No Special Preparation Needed

The IgM antibodies formed in response to the viral infection are measured in this test to diagnose Hepatitis E infection. IgM detection is the most accurate and definitive way to diagnose HepE infection.

Hepatitis E symptoms are not clinically distinguishable from those of other types of acute viral hepatitis. They include fever, jaundice, pain, nausea, rashes, and other symptoms. Hepatitis E is transmitted through the oral-fecal route and contaminated water. Maintaining hygienic practices and drinking clean water can help to reduce the risk of infection. Immuno-compromised patients and infants are more likely to develop severe chronic hepatitis symptoms.

Why is HEV IgM performed?
When a patient exhibits hepatitis symptoms and is suspected of having recently been exposed to the hepatitis E virus, an anti-HEV IgM test is performed.

Report Delivery : Same Day Delivery
