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Semen Test

Semen Test

Pre test Information : No Special Preparation Needed

A lab test called a semen analysis involves examining a sample of semen under a microscope. It assesses characteristics like sperm quantity, activity (motility), and shape (morphology).

Who requires a study of semen?

You could need a semen analysis for the following causes:

Male infertility: If a couple has been having trouble getting pregnant, there may be an anomaly in the semen. Sometimes it's because of a problem with a man's sperm. A semen study determines whether a man can actually become pregnant.

Vasectomy Follow-up: A semen analysis tells whether a vasectomy was successful. This treatment closes the sperm-depositing tubes in the semen. If there are no sperm in the semen, the vasectomy was successful and a man is unable to conceive a child with a woman.

Report Delivery : Same Day Delivery
