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Sanjeevani Path Labs

+91- 9717 311 099, 9868 358 187, 011-45794850 +91- 9717 311 099, 9868 358 187, 011-45794850

Vaginal Swab Culture

Vaginal Swab Culture

Pre test Information : No Special Preparation Needed

The condition known as bacterial vaginosis (BV) affects the vagina. Both "good" (healthy) and "bad" (unhealthy) bacteria are present in equal amounts in a healthy vagina. Normally, the beneficial bacteria keep the harmful ones in check. When the usual balance is disturbed and more harmful bacteria proliferate than beneficial bacteria, a BV infection results.

The majority of BV infections are minor and occasionally resolve on their own. Some BV-infected women go on to recover completely unaware of their infection. But BV infections can be more severe and might not get better on their own. If left untreated, BV might raise your chance of contracting an STD such chlamydia, gonorrhoea, or HIV.

Pregnancy-related BV infections can raise your chance of an early (premature) delivery or a baby who is smaller than average at birth (less than 5 pounds, 8 ounces at birth). A newborn with low birth weight may experience major health issues such as infections, breathing problems, and issues with feeding and gaining weight.

You can prevent these major health issues by getting tested and treated with the use of a BV test.

Other names: wet mount test, KOH test, and vaginal pH test

What does it serve?

The purpose of this test is to identify BV infections.

Is a BV test necessary and why?

If you experience BV symptoms, you might need to be tested. These consist of:

  • a vaginal discharge that is grey or white
  • a powerful, fishy smell that can be worse after having sex
  • Itching or discomfort in the vagina
  • Urinating with a burning sensation

Report Delivery : Same Day Delivery
