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Sanjeevani Path Labs

+91- 9717 311 099, 9868 358 187, 011-45794850 +91- 9717 311 099, 9868 358 187, 011-45794850

Cervical Spine AP Lateral

Cervical Spine AP Lateral

Pre test Information : No Special Preparation Needed

AP & LAT Cervical Spine X-Ray The first seven vertebrae (C1–C7) of the spinal column, which make up the backbone, can be seen with the view test. The intervertebral discs and the surrounding muscles and soft tissues can both be seen using this test. The X-ray image is monochrome. While softer tissues like the skin and muscles appear darker, dense structures like the bones appear white.

This examination is recommended to determine the origin of neck pain, check for spinal bone damage, identify any suspected malignancies or infections, and rule out any disc issues.

A cervical spine X-ray is generally considered to be safe because the radiation exposure time is typically under a second. The entire exam could last 20 to 30 minutes.

Report Delivery : Same Day Delivery
